Make More Money
Without Chasing Leads
You’re standing at the edge of a crisis — one that could turn everything you’ve built into a ghost town of once-loyal customers. I’m talking about the death of brand loyalty as we know it.
If you think that sounds dramatic, you’re right. The numbers are in, and it’s uglier than you think:
Forrester predicts a 25% decline in brand loyalty. Yes, that’s one out of every four customers who used to stick with you, ready to bail without a second thought.
Even Apple and Starbucks, the high priests of premium brands, are slashing prices just to keep the turnstiles spinning.
Customers are being trained to chase bargains, even if it means hopping from one brand to another without blinking an eye.
Maybe you’re thinking you’ll just weather the storm, wait for things to stabilize. Here’s the truth: if you’re waiting, you’re losing. No amount of points, discounts, or tired loyalty programs will fix this.
Let’s Cut Through the Nonsense —
Here’s the Solution
Now, here’s where I come in.
I’m not just offering you another “customer service strategy.” I’m giving you something that goes beyond just loyalty — a way to create a bond so strong, so unique, that your customers won’t even think of looking elsewhere.
These strategies combine to create a roadmap that allows businesses to cultivate fiercely loyal customers who are willing to pay premium prices, ensuring long-term profitability without resorting to price cuts.
Leveraging Emotional Engagement
Increase customer spend and loyalty by creating an emotionally engaging experience.
Anticipatory Service: Anticipate what your customers want before they even ask, making them feel uniquely understood and cared for, which boosts loyalty and sets you apart from competitors.
Customer Alarm and Rescue Systems
Catch early signs of customer defection and proactively engage them, saving valuable relationships and preventing revenue loss.
Creating Unique, Exclusive Experiences
Offer customers something they can’t get anywhere else, reinforcing their commitment to your brand and reducing the appeal of competitor offers.
Consistent Customer Reminders (Existence System): Stay top of mind with your customers through consistent, meaningful touchpoints, making sure they think of you first whenever they need your product or service.
David Balfour, Trucking Company Owner
With some innovative and inventive thinking, my business has gone from being a humble monthly revenue of $14K to an impressive haul of $52K! In the next year I'm planning on multiplying our income by two - reaching for that magical number 100. All thanks to this fantastic marketing program which provides us with all we need; just another one of those done-for-you solutions invented especially for folks like me who are pushing their ventures skywards.
Former Birth Control Factory Security Guard turned Disney Leader, turned Bankrupt Out of Work Executive, turned Carpet Cleaner, turned Successful Entrepreneur.
Vance is a Walt Disney World Resort Management Alumni, having spent 10 years as a leader in the Resorts.
He runs the only XPerience Systems & Direct Response Marketing business on the planet. Here he coaches companies to create XPerience Service Systems and then monetize them through direct response marketing. He is the Longest Reigning Marketer of the Year in history (2015-2019).
Ben Settle, Marketing Expert, Email Players
I reveal how Disney, with its 85000 employees, delivers memorable experiences, day in and day out, consistently for EMPLOYEES. I know you probably don’t have 85000 employees….… but even if you only have one employee, the strategies still apply. You cannot take your business from where it is now to where you want it to be without great people.
To GROW your PROFITS (without growing your own workload) you need to hire great people. Those people could be employees, virtual assistants and part-time support in a new start up. But if you try to achieve entrepreneurial greatness on your own, you will fail.
Case closed.
I’ve always known this and what makes DBOS LIVE 2022 different to any other is we will shine a MASSIVE spotlight on the recruitment, hiring and retaining of people. The Employees For Life System is designed to give you the edge over the rest of your industry moaning about the ‘labor shortage’ in their town.
The strategies that Vance reveals in his system, literally turn ‘conventional business thinking’ on its’ ear! He is equipped with an arsenal of tools that any small business owner can pick up and run with to start producing big time, bottom line results. This is exactly the kind of advice I needed when I started my career….. but nobody really knew what was going on or was willing to share. If you’re a business owner and you want real improvement in your business….. Then I highly suggest you listen to what Vance has to say!
Dan KennedyThe Millionaire Maker
I always knew that understanding MONEY is just as, or perhaps even more, important than any business or marketing strategy. Most businesses die because they run out of money as the owner isn’t what we call ‘financially intelligent’. But, my experience observing business owners over the past few years has profoundly re-enforced the view that there’s a severe lack of financial awareness in the small business world.
If your business has stopped growing, it’s likely because you haven’t paid enough attention to it.
Or, if it’s growing but you never feel like you ever have any money, it’s because you haven’t got a system for financial management. Whatever stage of business you are at right now, understanding how money works is so important because it’s what enables you to survive adversity, overcome fears, deal with the unbelievable stress involved in running a business, motivate your team, motivate yourself, stay clear and strong while others panic – and do all this while driving the growth and success of your business.
The fact that your business survived the pandemic is proof that you have what it takes as an entrepreneur to take your business to an entirely new level. You should be very, very proud.
But the skills, strategies and mindset that got you to where you are now are not going to be sufficient to get you where you want to be. Small Businesses hit a series of growth barriers at various points on the journey (…maybe you are stuck in one now?) and you only break through those ceilings when the owner of the business radically changes their approach to take them on the next stage of the journey.
As your business grows, it requires a radical shift in how you use your time. You need to create what I call a Personal Operation System for your life. I’ve grown my business with one hard and fast rule:
my time is the most valuable thing I’ve got and I must always have AMPLE of it for my family. My business success cannot come at the expense of being with my family or doing the things I love.
During the Challenge, I’ll be sharing key insights into how to accelerate the growth of your business – and how to create a structure for your business and your life that enables you to achieve that growth with ease instead of struggle and sacrifice.
Vance has been instrumental to the success of my company! Over the past 11 years, Vance has been one of the best sounding boards for service & marketing techniques & has added insight into why different ideas work or do not. I have been able to shift my company’s marketing focus to successfully attract the customers that will support my business! I highly recommend working with Vance Morris if you want to refocus your company on moving forward and not just surviving!”
Chris Harper, Owner, Carpet Cleaning Biz
- Brian Kurtz, Titans Marketing
The truly amazing thing about Vance is that he isn’t simply teaching and sharing concepts he used to be familiar with. As a business owner himself, he is actively using the concepts he teaches. It is a rare combination to find someone who is simultaneously an authoritative expert AND a current practitioner.
- Brett Gilliland, Elite Entrepreneurs
Vance has been incredibly helpful in mentoring us and teaching us how to write ads that work! I am very grateful to have met him, to learn from him, and to start using ads that get a great return!”
- Anna Traenkle,Owner, Cleaning Service Colorado Springs, CO
Hotel Owner
Restaurant Owner
Shampoo Manufacturer
Financial Advisors
Gym Owner
Life Coaches
And many many more... You TOO can do this… You must do this… And we’ll show you how.
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EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: We don't believe in "get rich" programs - only in hard work, adding value, building a real and professional career, and serving others with excellence and consistency. Our trainings are intended to help you share your message with a wider audience and to make a difference in the world while growing your personal brand. Our programs take a lot of work and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavor or professional continuing education program. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. We don't know you and, besides, your results in life are up to you. Agreed? We just want to help by giving great content, direction, and strategies. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. *Statements contained here were made by individuals who participated in our training. Project Next did not pay any consideration for these statements.